About the Local

This is the web page of Local 6203 of the Communications Workers of America. Since the 1940s the local has served its members in Lubbock, Texas and the surrounding area. The local currently serves the employees of AT&T Wireline and Wireless in the Lubbock region.

Unless otherwise announced, our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. The Executive Board meeting begins at 5:30 PM, the general membership meeting at 6:30 PM. Attendance is strongly encouraged!

Address: 405 50th Street, Lubbock, TX 79404
Phone: 806-793-6203

Our Officers

President: David Patton

Secretary/Treasurer: Janice Bell

Vice President, CORE: Sarah Malone

Vice President, Mobility: Malashon Tennison

Where Your Dues Go

Where your dues go

53.3% Local Union’s Share
35.6% International Union Share
11.1% Members Relief Fund

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